Saturday, April 18, 2009

Only a few hours to go

I'll keep this brief because I should get some sleep tonight. I can't believe I'll be on the road in twelve hours. I'll probably be riding the 14MPH scooter towards downtown by then. Then a walk through George Himes Park before I meet up with Mayor of Portland Sam Adams to ride along the waterfront on a tandem bike. It will look sort of like this, except I'll be on the bike too.

I'll be meeting up with Mayor Adams just before noon at the Riverplace, so feel free to come down if you're in the Portland area. I guess I should sit in the front seat, though he's certainly the more experienced biker. And then I'll head over to Union Station by 2PM, so I can get on a train bound for California. Hopefully I can start editing some footage from the day while I'm riding the rails.

So I guess that's all for now. The next time I blog I'll have started the Un-Road Trip. Or I'll at least be much closer to starting it. See you on the (un)road!


merrill said...

It was great seeing you off today at the waterfront and fun to see you and the mayor, and your mom, on the tandem!! We were smiling about it all day long.
Have fun, be safe, blog lots, and make sure to eat those clif bars along the way.

We will be watching for you!!

Boaz Frankel said...

Thanks Merrill! It was so great having you there! I hope Maya gets some good use out of those Kangoo Jumps. I want to see some fancy tricks or flips when I get back.