Monday, January 19, 2009

Roundabout route to Florida

I couldn't find any ways to get from New Orleans to Florida, so it looks like I'll have to take a roundabout way... through Chicago. It may not seem like the most direct route, but it's the way that Amtrak goes. While in Chicago though, I'm excited about meeting up with Redmoon Theatre, who are generously letting me take a spin on their Wine Bike:

I'm also on the lookout for any other vehicles to check out in the Chicago area. This detour will also take me past Flagstaff, Albuquerque, Kansas City, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Washington D.C. So I'd certainly be up for getting off in any of those cities if I could get some mileage on an alternative vehicle.

And the map of Un-Road Trip options is continuing to fill up:

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Now it makes sense why California and Florida are such major stops, but your state could be next. I want to keep adding to this until the map is completely blanketed by little blue placemarks!

And in Australia news, I'm off to hike through the Tasmanian wilderness for a few days. I'll be backpacking, (or bushwalking), in Walls of Jersalem National Park. I'll post some pictures next week.

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